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What’s a Microcontroller?
by Parallax.com
What’s a Microcontroller? is a first-step BASIC Stamp 2 tutorial, introducing the essentials electronics and programming side by side. You will write PBASIC programs and build both simple and advanced breadboard circuits with LEDs, pushbuttons, potentiometers, light sensor, a servo, and much more! The text is designed to accommodate a wide range of ages and skill levels and is a great resource for STEM programs. This ebook is for anyone interested in getting started with microcontrollers and electronics.

- Basic Semiconductor Physics and Technology (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- The pn Junction (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Power Switching Devices and their Static Electrical Characteristics (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Electrical Ratings and Characteristics of Power Semiconductor Switching Devices (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Cooling of Power Switching Semiconductor Devices (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Load, Switch, and Commutation Considerations (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Driving Transistors and Thyristors (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Protecting Diodes, Transistors, and Thyristors (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Switching-aid Circuits with Energy Recovery (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Series and Parallel Device Operation and Protection (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Naturally Commutating Converters (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- AC Voltage Regulators (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- DC Choppers (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Power Inverters (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Switched-mode and Resonant dc Power Supplies (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Capacitors
- Soft Magnetic Materials
- Resistors
A Pretty Good LC Meter Based on an AVR (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
A Photocell Amplifier for Comparative Light Measurements (analog only)
A 10 Bit LED Digital Panel Meter With Auto Ranging Based on ATMEGA 8 ATMEGA8
An RF Field Strength Meter Using A Biased Schottky Deterctor and A Moving Coil Meter
An Isolated Variable AC Mains Transformer
MAX038 Function/Sweep Generator with Markers (ATtiny2313, AT90S1200A)
1.000 kHz Sine Wave Generator ATTINY2313/AT902313/ATMEAG8515/AT908515, etc.
Battery Voltage Checkers
LC Determination by Resonant Frequency Measurement (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Inductance meter for RF Inductors
HF/VHF/UHF Test Oscillator
A Little More Serious Frequency Meter/Counter(ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
A 300 MHz Prescaler and 30 MHz preamp for A Little More Serious Frequency Meter
Frequency Meter and Pulse Generator (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Digital Lock-in Milliohmmeter (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
HF AC Millivoltmeter adapter
Precision Audio Frequency Peak Detection Probe
Digital RF Field Strength Indicator (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
A Field Strength Indicator -Analog only.
RF Field Strength Probe (AT90S1200A)
LTD - Low Cost Telemetering Device; ATMega8 scanning voltmeter with Morse Code output (ATMega8)
Waveform Monitor with LCD (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Simple LM335 thermometer
A Precision Portable Voltage Reference
AC Current Probe for Oscilloscope Use.
Low Capacitance Scope Probe Adapter
LED Driver circuits
White LED inductorless drive from 1.5V and 3V
R/C Model Aircraft Marker Light Flasher (ATTINY12 and others)
Fast precision LED driver
Flying inductor LED series voltage boost circuit. (Power supply in series with the battery and LED)
White LED Power Failure Light
White LED Stroboscope With Constant Duty Cycle and Constant Current Drive
1.5 Volt 1970's Style Caboose Marker Flashing Red LED Light.
Simplest LED Flasher circuit
LCD Drivers (firmware)
Serial Interface and bias supply for Seiko-Epson G1216B dot graphics display (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
RF and Communications
A Simple FM Stereo Transmitter (ATTINY12, ATTINY25, ATtiny2313, AT90S2313, AT90S232, or nearly any other CMOS microntroller-Yes probably even a PIC!)
FM Transmitter With Crystal Referenced PLL Frequency Control Using LMX1601 (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
FM Broadcast Audio Transmitter
100 MHz modulated RF source for FM Band
Battery operated FM rebroadcast transmitter
100 MHz modulated RF source for FM Band
90 MHz voltage controlled oscillator for FM Band
Minimum Mass Wireless Data Coupler
Terminal Interface with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Scanning Voltmeter with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler ATMega8)
Frequency Meter with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
LCD Display with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Tiny Tuned Loop Antennas for the Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler
Digital wireless for the bench top (ATtiny12)
RS-232 to Wireless Instrument Data Channel (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Frequency meter with wireless Data Channel(ATtiny2313, AT90S2313
4 MHz amplitude modulated RF source
1 W Experimental Output and 1 Meter Loop Antenna for 187 kHz (Lowfer)
1750 Meter Lowfer Band amplitude modulated RF source (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
A Dual Mode Superhet/Direct Conversion AM receiver for 181.818 kHz (Lowfer) (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
MK-484 Receiver Chip Evaluation Board for AM and Lowfer bands.
AttoBasic AT90S8515/ATMEGA8515 and ATmega163
AVR Firmware Monitor Program (AVR Controllers with on-chip UART)
Minimum Mass Waveform Capture with AVR (AVR controllers with RAM)
DS: Firmware based protocol for low priority data transfer
DS: Test and development tool for DS interface (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
DS: Clock/Calendar/Alarm with EEPROM-based interpreter and DS Interface (ATtiny12)
DS: 3 channel 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interface (ATtiny12)
ATtiny12 Fuse Restorer (AT90S1200A)
EEPROM Driver for 24LC64, 128, and 256 (AVR Controllers)
8 Channel PWM PWM Code (AVR Controllers)
AVR Serial Programmer (AT90S1200A, ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
AVR 8 and 20 pin programming adapter
Lazy ISP Adaptor for Socketed AVR ISP Controllers
Decoding 4 buttons with 2 I/O pins (Controllers with tristate I/O ports)
An Experimental Triac Lamp Dimmer and Motor Speed Control Using A Simulated Diac
Barker Code-Locked Loop Synchronous Demodulator(ATtiny2313 or AT90S2313, ATtiny12)
A Regulated 24 Volt Output, 5 Volt Input DC To DC Converter
Half-flying capacitor analog multiplexer for microcontrollers (AVR Controllers or other with tristate I/) pins)
Single Pulse Voltage Multiplier
EDFET Buffer.
Experimental 1 kHz Synchronous Demodulator (ATtiny2313, AT90S2313)
Audio noise generator drives earphones or small speaker
Specialty Projects
USB Printer Sharing Switch
Door chime Privacy Sentry (ATtiny12)
Morse Code Alarm Clock modification with ATtiny2313/AT90S2313
Bedwetting alarm
Toroid and Ferrite Bead Winding Notes
Transistor_matching (New -January 2011)